What do fish, pigs, vegetables, and people have in common?
Fish have fins, veggies have roots, pigs and people have legs. Pigs squeal, well so do girls (ok, gay men...and my brother-in-law). Sort of a reach though...isn't it? Pigs and people are more alike than fish... and all of the aforementioned are even less like veggies.
Honestly, who cares? Ok, scientists care...farmers care...food distributors care...gardeners probably care. This is going nowhere.
What the heck was my point, anyway?
My point was.... school might help pigs more than kids. I thought I had a cool metaphor coming.
Moving along.
It is really hard trying to articulate nuances. I digress.
This whole thing sounded a lot better in my head than it does on paper. I am going to chalk this blog up to....SUMMER BREAK!!!!!