In the age of social media it has become commonplace to put our worst moments on display.
I have tried to navigate that line. Letting you in to my world, but not overexposing myself. Let's be real, we all have dark, messy aspects to our "Selves". Rolling with me in my emotional mud is not something I would ever expect from you. Truthfully, I don't want to "go there" with you, either. A journal and a blog are not the same thing.
I guess that's why it has been awhile since I have posted. Honestly, I haven't had much to say that was sayable to you. Until today...
I have a question for you. If there were a movie made about your life, who would you choose to play you? Certainly there would be a child version of you, then an adolescent version, and depending on where you are on life's continuum, there could be several more versions of you that would be required to fully tell your story. Who would you choose? When you think about the actors you would choose to play you, what qualities do they have that resonate with the different versions of yourself that you see in your minds eye?
That's it. Today, is just a little exercise in self-reflection.
If you would rather not comment here, PM me on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Chat. Thanks for stopping by!
Be Safe, Be You. Jules 💕